IDD Therapy
Patients' Testimonials

totally life changing...

IDD Therapy has been totally life changing for my husband, he was in severe pain which was impacting on his quality of life, since undergoing therapy he is now pain free and can continue with doing the things he enjoys to do. He would highly recommend this treatment and is very grateful to Tim and the team. It’s been truly amazing

Beverley (Buckinghamshire)

For golfers out there...

For all those golfers out there struggling with aches and pain in the neck and back, I HIGHLY recommend the IDD Therapy!!!

I had a horribly painful pinched nerve in my neck which was caused by herniated discs, stenosis and general degeneration from years of golf. After the very first treatment, my pain level went from 11 out of 10, down to six! With each treatment my neck felt freer and the pain just melted away. It was SO successful that I also did a bunch of treatments on my lower back.

It has been about a month since my last treatment and I am still free of pain and to my amazement, I am swinging freer and hitting the ball longer than I have ever done in the past! The best gift is that I am pain free even after consecutive days of 18 holes of golf. Tim and his team could not have been more accommodating and knowledgeable with the use of the machine which was tailored to my specific needs. The treatments are very gentle and relaxing but truly effective. If you are a candidate for IDD Therapy, don’t delay any longer! Living pain free is truly wonderful!

J Lovett

I would buy an IDD Spinal Decompression machine...

If I were a billionaire I would own a water front villa in Miami, plus a yacht and maybe a ski chalet somewhere. I would of course have all the necessary staff to take care of me.

However, before I bought any of this I would buy an IDD Spinal Decompression machine. In fact, I would buy 4. One for the main house, one for the Miami villa, one for the yacht and one for the ski chalet.

Mr MR, Berkhamsted

I am happy to be back in the sky...

Following a course of IDD treatment at Berkhamsted Osteopaths, I did 5 sky dive jumps in two days (1 from 12000ft with terminal velocity deployment ) and my back stood strong! No problem at all.
I know I still have a way to go and will keep up the core strengthening work and be mindful not to damage it.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to be back in the sky!
Thank you to Tim and the team.



After just a few sessions of IDD Therapy, I can say I feel amazing. Life is wonderful without back pain.

If I look back in time to a year ago it feels like it was the most painful, unhappy year of my life. My life ruled, in all senses, by living with continuous chronic back pain. I had lost hope after trying several treatments prescribed by GP. Not being able to walk more than ten minutes without agonising pain which ruined me completely, both mentally and physically.

I can say I'm living a miracle since I started IDD Therapy. Tim Hanwell treats you with respect and genuinely cares. I just want to pass on this genuine message to the whole world, back pain can be cured with IDD Therapy and a healthy lifestyle.

God Bless you all!

99% pain free...

My whole quality of life has changed following the IDD treatment and I am now 99% pain free without the use of any pain relief.

John Coughtrey, Hemel Hempstead

I would recommend IDD...

Now I am a lot better and glad I had the treatments. I was being treated for lower back pain with tingling and numbness to the lower legs. I found the staff caring and professional and would recommend giving IDD a try

Anonymous patient

Thoroughly recommend IDD Therapy...

I would thoroughly recommend IDD Therapy with Berkhamsted Osteopaths. Having been in pain for years with a slipped disc, I was not expecting much but from the very first treatment I had more mobility and less pain and over the weeks I felt better and better.

Tim and his team are very caring and do all they can to help their patients feel better. The service they give is very good indeed.


I am now free from pain...

I have just completed a 6 month programme of IDD Therapy, which consisted of over 20 sessions. Initially, there was little improvement until we had completed 15 sessions. It is different for different patients. I am now free from pain.

I recommend Tim Hanwell and his team to you and of course the IDD Therapy


John, Amersham

it has changed my life...

I know its sound like a cliché but IDD Therapy has changed my life and my family can see the benefits of the IDD treatment, a happier, more mobile husband and Dad.

I now only have maintenance sessions once per month just to keep on top of it as I don't ever want to go back to where I was with the pain.


I feel so much better...

I started the IDD treatment five weeks ago and from the first day I noticed an improvement I have now had ten sessions and feel so much better

It’s rare these days that you walk in to a place and all the staff have exceptional customer service skills but that is exactly what you get at your practice.

C Karitzis

Tim and Clare have been brilliant...

Once the pull got close to its maximum I started to feel the benefits and was able to reduce, then completely stop, my strong pain medication. Just 10 weeks after treatment started I have very few symptoms left and most of the time can’t tell that there was a problem at all.

Throughout the treatment Tim and Clare have been brilliant with their bedside manner, explaining what is happening and answering all of the many questions I had.

This machine has given me back my life...

Currently on the IDD Therapy Treatment and cannot rate highly enough the dedication Clare and Tim have given to helping me get through a VERY painful compressed spine.

This machine has given me back my life, I can't rave about it enough. If you’re in the same state I was in, then give it a go. I'm now upright, pain free and going back to work in a few days’ time.

I would buy an IDD Spinal Decompression machine...

If I were a billionaire I would own a water front villa in Miami, plus a yacht and maybe a ski chalet somewhere. I would of course have all the necessary staff to take care of me.

However, before I bought any of this I would buy an IDD Spinal Decompression machine. In fact, I would buy 4. One for the main house, one for the Miami villa, one for the yacht and one for the ski chalet.

Mr MR, Berkhamsted

Find out more or book an appointment

If you're not sure whether IDD Therapy is suitable for you or simply want to find out more, you can arrange a free call back from our IDD Clinic Director, Tim Hanwell. You can also book an appointment by calling our friendly reception team on 01442 878900

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